AT Rules Shakeup


CCP thrilled their EVE Online player-base with a much anticipated announcement video last week. After being canceled for two years due to budget and manpower constraints, the game devs are bringing back the much-adored and sorely missed Alliance Tournament! However, there are some changes to the rules this time around that are sure to spice things up and ensure the comeback AT is the most pleasing yet. 

The official news article listed several details about the upcoming November Alliance Tournament including bringing back AT ships of the past as prizes, changes to the support of the event, Skins, and more. The news, broken with a 24-hour pre-hyped announcement video, was well-received by dozens of enthusiasts who have long awaited another shot at glory. There were some less pleased with the news, however, mainly voiced on Reddit. They argue now is not the time for such “bread and circus” when the player count is declining and the economy is in shambles. 

Surely to fire up both sides of the AT aisle, CCP has announced a plot twist on the official forums. This AT will be unlike any other: once teams have registered, elimination round contestants besides the team Captain will be entered into a lottery and then be randomly assigned to a team. Each elimination round will proceed after the teams are randomly reassigned. This ensures captains and members really stay on their toes and adapt, and will provide entertainment for those tuning in! This change may shock the tens of players who resubbed for the tournament, but it may just prove to be what’s needed to kick things up a notch after such a long hiatus for the official AT.