Dear Diary, it’s me, Villy…


You suck!

I hate you, you miserable wretch. You are so bad at this game. You never accomplished anything of interest or significance. All you do is follow other people, better people, and you aren’t even good at that. They carry you, but you are just deadweight. Everybody thinks you are an idiot. In fact, you are actually a moron, in real life. I’ve seen your terrible posting and all the stupid things you say. LoL. Look at your killboard. You are trash. I’m gonna come after, and I’m gonna destroy you. Go ahead, swipe your credit card and see what happens. 


You didn’t think I’d come after you, did you? Look at you now, I bet you are scared. Hahahaha. Go ahead, respond in local. EPIC SALT. OMG. I’m taking screenshots. I’m live streaming your tears. I’m laughing at you so hard right now. Let me tell you, I’ve been playing this game a long time, and I’ve seen a lot of try-hard losers like you. It always ends the same. Look at your killboard. It’s gonna be red forever. You are an insignificant pleb. Some day, you will think about me, and I won’t even remember destroying you. 


I’ve got you now. Did you really think you could defeat me? ME? I will have you know, that there will be laughing at you on Reddit, and Twitch, and Youtube videos with epic music. This is your fate. You did this to yourself. Just look at your killboard. It’s gonna be the same color as local. There’s no escape. You might as well just logoff. Make sure to biomass on your way out. I’d ask for all your stuff, but you are so poor that it doesn’t even matter. Why are you still here? 


It’s such a shit game really, the mechanics are total trash, and CCP always fucks with stuff they don’t understand. I clearly outplayed you in every way, like you don’t even understand how bad you are, but whatever. Unlike you, I don’t really care. I’ve got a real-life, and this is just a game. I’ve seen all those toxic posts and videos that you made. People like you are killing the game, this is why nobody wants to play anymore. I’m just here to have fun, and create content. Unlike you, I’m willing to actually accept a little risk and take some chances, but look how scared you were. You had to summon all your loser friends. Someday you are gonna look at your killboard and regret wasting your life on a video game. Go take a shower you no-life basement dweller. I’m gonna go outside, get some fresh air.


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