CCP Games under fire as 20% of female player base leaves Eve Online in a single month


Data released this month by the developer of Eve Online, CCP Games, to their parent company Pearl Abyss revealed 20% of the female player base left the game. This has stirred the concerns of feminists and advocacy organizations globally. The game struggles to retain female players and the developer is scrambling to stem the tide of leavers. (of the female kind of course)

Data revealed this massive reduction in the July game health report to Pearl Abyss shareholders. Female player numbers have been a near constant for a number of years prior to this sudden drop.

Community Manager “CCP Swift” confirmed the data’s accuracy on the game’s popular subreddit /r/eve 

“It is a sad day that I have to confirm that the data is accurate, last month one of the five female Eve Online players left the game. CCP Games is committed to player retention, and we are in emergency meetings to quell this exodus.”

A commenter on the same post revealed that they were the player who left and cited “Lack of Hello Kitty Skins being a major component of their decision”. Players echoed this sentiment and demanded changes be made to bring back this lost player immediately. Protests are being organized in-game and out to deal with this latest spate of bad news by many.

We will keep you apprised as the situation develops.


  1. This has got to be an early April fool’s joke…

    If it’s not…then all the people complaining about lack of a particular skin can stay home for all I care.

  2. So what? The diversity of the player base is irrelevant to the overall success of the game and it’s profitability. Equality is nonsense. Life is not equal. And life is not fair. Now tackle some real issues with the game instead of fabricated issues.

  3. As one of the four remaining that self identifies as female, I too note the lack of brightly colored skins available for my hoghsec miners. Hopefully immediate action may be taken to correct such an erroneous oversight. It would be a real shame to see another 25% of the females leave over the lack of gender friendly skins for our beloved gank-bait!!!

  4. Gender friendly skins. Your serious. Next we will have rainbow ships with dildos hanging off of them. Get real, EVE is for the strong to obey on the weak. It mirrors the real world in this. Get a spine or gtfo.

  5. I SERIOUSLY hope this is a joke (aimed at all the pathetic wokness of late). If it’s not and they’re for real about this, I’ll delete mine.

  6. They were dozens, dozens!

    In an unrelated note: I hope the rest of the commenters know what the onion is and what that implies of this site.

  7. You guys…it’s satire. The site is called Eve Onion…as in The Onion? The joke news site that actually is fake news and usually hilarious?

    You should check it out. Also, you guys are harsh–damn. 😆

  8. Damn. I DGAF about the subject of this article, but y’all need to work on formatting, pacing and punctuation because this article reads like garbage. It’s contrary to the presumption that EVE players are remotely intelligent. Work on it, “NorBdelta Aivoras”.

  9. I left EVE some time ago because…walking-in-stations was too important to give up. I then decided to throw my money away on a game that promised that

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