CCP Games Showcases ‘Pay Your Colors’ Personalized Ship Skins in Development


In a move that should have stunned no one in the EVE community, CCP Games announced at the recently concluded Eve Fanfest in Las Vegas that they will introduce a groundbreaking feature to EVE Online dubbed ‘Pay Your Colors.’

The new capabilities–deemed “revolutionary” yet oddly similar to their current pay-to-paint structure features–allow players to pay real-world money to design their spaceship skins, thereby adding a vibrant splash of color to the otherwise dark and depressing void of space. No PLEX purchase is necessary. 

Now, developers will have more time to focus on revenue-making opportunities other than designing ship skins themselves. Erotically drawn cartoon skins must meet Japanese Legal requirements before approval.

A CCP developer noted at the event that “players have been asking for more customization options. We’re just giving them what they want. Who doesn’t want to get ganked by a shit-ton of Thrashers painted like Baby Shark?”

The company quickly added that players can still expect free Condor skins to inundate their daily login rewards screen as CCP Games continues their silent agenda to make all Eve Online ships a different shade of brown.