The End is Near


Hell has frozen over.

Soontm has arrived.

The stars are aligned.

The end is near.

Two portents of the end of EVE Online intersect, signaling the imminent arrival of the same. The first, Capsuleer Katia Sae of Signal Cartel completed a survey of all 7805 systems, in a little over nine years, and without losing a single ship. That’s every K-Space and J-Space system, Jove and Abyssal excepted.

While this unique accomplishment is sufficiently astonishing to deserve recognition, one might simply applaud and move on, were it not for the second. This second portent, likewise unique, marks the collapse of a culture core to the existence of EVE Online. As this culture falls, it may very well bring about the end of the entire EVE Online community.

The portent?

Oh, this is not just an /r/eve thread, this is the thread destined to bring an end to all threads, and herald the end of EVE Online as we know it.


over 50 comments

Not a single troll, snark, or negative comment.

It’s been a great run, but…it’s over. There’s no coming back from this one.