Man Finally Wins Court Battle to Legally Change Name to BeepBoop 10101


Many people still remember the events that transpired a month ago. Burn Jita 2019 was a cacophony of exploding freighters and their angered pilots, strangely juxtaposed with the laughter and cheers of their destroyers. The event was horrendous for some, and joyous for others. Some people lost their entire net worth in a fiery explosion, but others, like the topic of today’s article, were inspired.

Meet Johnny Henderson, or that was the name he formally went by. A name that he said in court was, “Unfairly assigned at birth” and only existed to hamper his true self. Today marks the culmination of weeks of unrelenting prosecution, defense, and other courtroom drama. Johnny emerged from the courthouse to the applause and cheers of the waiting crowd outside—Johnny no more, but in his place was BeepBoop 10101. He was brought to tears to see the unrelenting support of those that cared about him, and even local residents that had taken to the street to see what the commotion was all about.

This isn’t the first court trial that has occurred over the situation. Years ago, Johnny attempted to change his name to “BjBee 420”, however due to the harshness of Texas law, and a hostile environment, the case was ruled unfavorably against him. Rumors were there were over two hundred lawyers sitting in a room willing to act against him. Discouraged, Johnny returned home, and had almost lost all hope of ever having a proper name to reflect his love of Eve, and burning Jita.

After moving to California, Johnny’s hopes were renewed as he saw the more progressive laws and regulations of the golden state. “It’s like a modern day Gallente Federation”, Johnny was quoted in saying about Cali. Years passed, but his hope of changing names lived on. Burn Jita 2019 was the tipping point; he could wait no longer.

I decided to poll the newly named BeepBoop 10101 after his trial, asking him a few questions such as his plans for the future. Unsurprisingly for someone that just changed his name to BeepBoop 10101, his ideas were off the wall. “I might be 18 years old, but I want to start creating an impact with this legacy I’ve just created,” he says, confidently. “I plan on having a child, and naming them BeepBoop 10111.”  When asked what his missus thought about the idea, he said “I’d have to find one, first.”