Stimpacks! by CCPCo!


After considerable positive feedback concerning the reduction in Jump Fatigue, CCP has officially renounced the new plan. “In the next few days,” says CCP Falcon, “a new item will be available in the PLEX store that will reduce the blue timer created by Jump Fatigue. A stimulant for capsuleers to keep them going for the long haul.”

To be sold individually—and in bundles—these “stimpacks” will enable more rapid capital movement. “Like coffee for truckers,” one dev was quoted. “We hope Stimpacks will allow more rapid hauling for freighters and enable players to engage in capital brawls further from their null fortresses.”

When issues of balance and inequality favoring so-called “wallet warriors” were brought up, CCP stated they plan to up Jump Fatigue timers again, balancing out the reduction offered by these stimpacks.

FRT exec Noraus has been praising the news on Reddit, calling it “a long-time coming that CCP delivers on this hotly debated topic.”