[REDACTED] Revealed as EVE Classic


In the latest dank leak, the second bullet of the EVE 20th Anniversary Collector’s Edition is revealed to be an EVE Classic client. “Yo dawg, they hear you like game in your games, so we hear you and made them give you a game for your game,” the leaker reported.

When pressed, an unnamed source confirmed that the [REDACTED] bullet item refers to a Classic EVE client. “The biggest challenge has been determining how to support cash transactions avoid diluting our community. [ed. Note required update per HV’s censor] We think we’ve finally found exactly the right solution.”

Upon entering the newly remodeled Captain’s Quarters, capsuleers will be presented with a bank of screens, each running a simplified EVE Classic (Trinity) client. For 1 PLEX per client (initially limited to 10), the capsuleer will be able to cast their ship or fleet of ships into Jove space for one hour. While no physical goods can be transferred into or out of Jove space, capsuleers cast into Jove space will be able to inject the skills required to build and use Jove technologies both in Jove space and back at home, including Player Owned Starbases.

Jovian technologies will eventually allow capsuleers to create sub-clones in New Eden. These sub-clones may be simultaneously activated, allowing a single capsuleer to control an entire fleet of ships in New Eden or engage in some 514 other activities.

We are still working out a few kinks with the in-game Trinity client, but we can’t wait to reveal the remaining REDACTED components of this special edition!