Desperate Bait Attempt by WINGSPAN


In compliance with Texas Law and Customer Service V requirements, renowned shipping professional and YouTube’s fourth best commentator, Chance Ravinne (WINGSPAN TT) announced sale of the CEO role for WINGSPAN Delivery Services to Zeratul Sheppard for the astronomical sum of 31,000,000 ISK. This transition marks the formal end of an era largely acknowledged to have ended in 2020.

Emotional responses were positive, as hundreds celebrated the long-term contributions of this Eve Online luminary, and at least 31 pilots chimed in to blame Chance Ravinne for luring them into Eve Online.

But, This is EVEtm – there is always more to the story than meets the eye.

Note, if you will, the following chart from the September 2022 MER:

In comparing the climb of Sleeper Component volumes beginning in 2020 with Chance Ravinne’s zKillboard history, a direct correlation between increased J-Space ratting and reduced Chance Ravinne activity becomes clear.

Inside sources confirm that WINGSPAN Delivery Services agents have increasingly expressed frustration that something approaching 65.9% of wormhole systems are empty, with 31% of the remainder full of botters multiboxers running fleets of Dreads or RR Praxis, and a paltry 3.1% of systems populated with the solo ratters and explorers making up the majority of WDS munitions delivery customers. Some Delivery Agents have even resorted to High-Sec ganking, ships without cloaks (!!!), and a few are reported to have strayed more than 2100m from the B274 in a desperate attempt to make quota.

Thus, the plot becomes clear, especially in light of the fact Chance Ravinne remains on the board, and reportedly holds a substantial quantity of highly valuabletm WDS corporate stock.

WINGSPAN Delivery Services is using the announcement of Chance Ravinne’s “retirement” as CEO to bait solo ratters and explorers back into J-Space in order to expand munition delivery opportunities, and thus the value of Chance Ravinne’s stock holdings while serving to recruit unsuspecting players into near-slavery with promises of a 31 ISK annual salary.
WINGSPAN TT’s retirement is bait – rat and explore alone in J-Space to prove me wrong, or send 31,000,000 ISK to EVE Onion News.