In a shocking turn of events, Eve Onion, the satirical news organization of New Eden, has won The Scope off the HyperNet Relay. The HyperNet, infamous for its “spontaneous...
Hold onto your warp drives, EVE Online fans, because CCP Games blasts the universe with an electrifying surprise: "Abyssal Crates." Get ready to embrace...
EVE Online players can now take their in-game communication up a notch with the recent announcement from CCP of an upcoming voice communications feature....
REYKJAVIK, Iceland & CALIFORNIA, USA - In a stunning announcement that has left the gaming and space exploration communities aghast, CCP Games and eccentric...
Eve Online players can accomplish so much and have done so many times. From human genome research to disaster relief fundraisers following natural disasters....
In a shocking move, CCP Games, the developers of the popular space-themed MMO, Eve Online, have announced a new microtransaction that allows players to...