“EVE Release 1.2 Patch Notes”


Hello everyone. In the wake of the latest major EVE update, release 1.0, several issues have arrived. No doubt working hard to squash the bugs, CCP refused to give us info on any upcoming fixes. After sneaking into CCP HQ through a wormhole, we have discovered the upcoming patch 1.2 notes, with a sticky note saying “not my problem”, which was presumably left by one of the developers. Details of all the upcoming changes are below:


Guardian’s Gala is now 50% less fun and 90% less likely to reward the items you want. (If you are still receiving items you want at a high rate, please contact Google to fix your analytic recordings.)

Corrected escalation chance from 100% to the intended value of 0%.

Added a silver pod, for those that can’t afford the gold one.



Assault Frigates and Heavy Assault Cruisers have been removed due to their lack of popularity.

T3 Frigates are now in the works, expect a blog post soon!

T3.5 Cruisers are now added to the game, along with 87 new modules and subsystems, each with their own new skill to train.



Amarr ships are now exactly 3.5%  (per skill level) shinier (17.50% at level 5).

Torpedos have their old explosion effects back.

Minmatar ships are now actually held together with duct tape.



Keepstars are now invulnerable, even while unpowered.

Officer Standup Modules have been added.

Standup ASML Missile Launchers have been renamed to ASML Standup Missle Launcher.

ASML Standup Missile Launcher has been renamed to Standup ASML Rocker Launcher.

Standup AXL Missile Launcher have been renamed to Axe Thrower II.

Standup AS Guided Bombs have been renamed to Da Bomb.

Citadel lock ranges have been increased to system-wide.

After thinking about it, we’re bringing void bombs back:

Void Guided Bomb Tech II added.

Void Guided Bomb II renamed to Standup AXML Guided Void Bomb Version 2.0.

Merely looking at a non-friendly ship while tethered to a Citadel will now break the tether.

Quick thinking pilots can now intercept the tether beam by flying between a ship and the Citadel.

Asset safety can now only save ships in your corporations ship replacement program, if it has one.

After numerous complaints from janitorial staff, pods are no longer able to self destruct within Citadels.



Made the final mission 13.6% more dramatic by adding an orchestral soundtrack with 10% more violins.

Aura now changes her voice randomly between one of thirteen different options.


User Interface:

Eve Mobile integration added.

Dust 514 information removed in preparation for Dust 1028.


Well there you have it folks! Some expected fixes here and there, but did we just catch a leak of a new game? More details to come as soon as we can find them. Fly safe out there!