Drifters Demand Justice


MInerals are missing and the Watchful Tyrants are pissed.

All across the New Eden cluster, minerals went missing from hangars everywhere. Despite assurances by scientists that the minerals were actually there but were temporarily invisible for some reason, many were not happy. Among those were the Vigilant Tyrannos, the Watchful Tyrants, a.k.a. The Drifters.

CONCORD and SOE, both monitoring Triglavian transmissions that have been escalating recently, intercepted this message from deep space:

“Since the release of our Seekers, it has been clear that we are here to observe. We did not think we were being too subtle by introducing ourselves and our penchant for watching by actually putting that word first: WATCHFUL. So when you make something invisible we take this as a direct insult. Not only have you started ignoring us because 3-sided orange is the new black, but you deliberately slap us in the face by making something so ubiquitous as minerals completely unobservable.”

Just as communications experts prepared to completely ignore the tirade, another transmission lanced through space in a way completely unlike a freighter entering warp.

“Just like the minerals, we have become invisible to you.”

“Just as you demand with your minerals, we demand to be seen.”

“You have witnessed the peaceful side of our nature: the watchful.”

“Now witness the deadly side of that coin: the TYRANTS. If there’s one thing easy to see in space it’s your precious Sotiyos and huge Keepstars. We know where every one of them is. Now it’s your turn to observe as you watch them BURN!”

Lieutenant Bartok “Peekaboo” Hargram realized too late that he had keyed his mic to respond but forgot to let go of the switch when laughter erupted in the comms station. When he did suddenly let go with the grace and precision of a cat escaping a bathtub, the *click* of the comms closing heralded a crescendo of silence among the operators.

The drifters had one more thing to say.


At this point communication erupted in New Eden. Confused reports were coming in from everywhere. Station managers reported drifter fleets of devastating firepower descending on every major structure in null security space.

Alliance leaders were up in arms, demanding intervention in this threat. High security carebears laughed and pointed until the Triglavians attacked them again. Low security dwellers continued to misspell their names and have trouble determining how to get out of a wet paper bag.

The Mittani suddenly broke through the comms, “What the hell is going on here? Do you realize how many of these structures we have in space? How am I supposed to defend all of these at once??”

And if you watched closely, you saw a smile on a Tyrant’s face deep in Anoikis space.