CCP Adds “Dev Friend for a Day” Pack


Announcing the “Dev Friend for a Day” Pack! Tired of flying solo or have you ever imagined spending up to 8 hours with your favorite CCP Developer playing EVE Online? Now you can with this newest pack from CCP Games! Once the pack has been purchased a GM will reach out to schedule the date, time, and which developer you would like to spend the day with. You may take them on roaming, on a structure bash, high sec ganking spree, or go wormhole diving! They will be there for you!. Need that expensive to get T2 BPO? No problem! Have them spawn it for you as a souvenir of your day! (Dev’s may only spawn one item for you to keep past the purchased pack time.) Or maybe you wanted that faction Titan! Make it so with the simple request of your Dev.

CCP Games hopes that this experience will help humanize and ease player’s concerns over Devs not playing the game they work on.

The pack is set to go on sale for the low price of 16,000 plex!