
Eve Onion Under New Management, Vows to Become Respectable News Organization

In a memo to staff, Eve Onion News announced that we are now under new management. Over the last few months, a private investor...

Where are They Now: Jin’taan

Priorities are a funny thing. We think we know what's important to us, and slot things into a relative priority order something like: food,...

Reserve Bank Keys Are Here

After an agonizingly long wait they have finally been implemented: Reserve Bank Keys are now available to players! After being randomly doled out in...

CCP’s Battle Against Botters Pushing the Envelope of AI Development

Seoul National University, South Korea.  Head researcher Fang-Lee Geun, of the Center for Artificial Intelligence Research at the Seoul National University exits a productive meeting...

CCP Denies Using Bots

A consortium of self-professed Bot Hunters in EVE Online has come forward with allegations that CCP has been using bots, and for quite some...

Back to the Good Ole Days

After “a lot of healthy conversation” in response to how the player base “shared their thoughts'' with CCP Games, CCP rolled back recent changes...

EVE Online Recipes!

Now available in the Merch Store are new, delectable dishes from the New Eden universe all cataloged in the first ever EVE Online food...

Off the Wagon- or on the Zebra

All of #tweetfleet is abuzz, as Niden, of Snuffed and Crossing Zebras fame (that's zeh-brahs, for the yanks) teased a return to EVE...

Emotes Added to EVE Online, Conversation Dies

In a recent devblog, CCP announced the addition of popular "emotes" to EVE Online and EVE Echoes chats which were added this past patch;...

Caldari Systems Just Disappear from Space Sometimes

The Caldari Outer Worlds Astronomical Research and Discovery Survey has recently revealed that Caldari systems just disappear from space sometimes. As many Caldari citizens...

Triglavian Collective Announces Low-sec Gate to Stain – Ignites Public Support for “The Triangle Overlords”

Celebrations can be heard across numerous station brothels and bars throughout New Eden following the latest in plans for occupied systems by the Triglavian...

Your Anaconda Don’t

It’s very busy at Goonswarm War HQ, but EVE Onion was able to pull a favour and get a sit-down with TheMittani to see...

Breaking: Elon Musk lets slip POS code only fail safe from “Machineageddon!”

Tokyo Technology Expo, Tokyo - Acclaimed and a much loved by the public Elon Musk let slip during a Q&A session with automotive experts...

“DADBOMB” Not Seddow’s Father After All

Setting the record straight, the person who bombed Seddow's FC chat stream was NOT Seddow's dad, OK? There's been a lot of memeing and...

CCP Harvesting Salt to Sell in Wake of Niarja Invasion

When the Hisec trade route choke-point of Niarja was invaded and subsequently conquered by The Triglavian Collective, the ensuing sodium chloride produced by the...

CCP Opens Investigation Into Abyssal Filament Collusion Allegations

In stunning news this week, CCP has confirmed a special investigation will be opened looking into accusations leveled at several prominent players of collusion...