NCdot corporation, Burning Napalm has kicked the exceptional scout and warp-in Interceptor pilot Sarah Sharp from their ranks, after she refused to type...
Riding high on the celebration of Eve's 15th anniversary, CCP Games’ commitment to “the second decade” is bringing forth sweeping changes to the game...
Harpa Concert Hall and Convention Center—Reykjavik
This morning, the first ever female Space Pope was coronated at Fanfest. His Holiness Max Singularity, the former...
An Undisclosed Volcanic Cavern/Lair – Iceland
CCP has certainly had their hands full in the past several weeks. While their attempts to make the chat...
EVE Onion has learned that Intaki Bank representative Osk en Devoir leaked a CDI Working Group on Emergent Threats report to news agency representatives.
Today, Amazon Inc. announced an historic landmark with their acquisition of CCP Games. Their purchase is for an undisclosed sum solely for the rights...
An EVE Onion investigator embedded with the Servant Sisters of EVE, and reporting from deep in wormhole space via transmissions smuggled in SoE shipments...
Shocking news from Iceland today as famed game company CCP Games announced bankruptcy after releasing a brief blog post detailing the situation. It seems...
Pirates have long suspected CONCORD of secret time manipulation technology, as response times to aggression are impossibly fast, and CONCORD ship disabling techniques surpass...
From CCP's website
We're happy to announce that the Yoiul Festival has begun! Available immediately for all capsuleers, Yoiul Festival gifts are raining down from...