Priorities are a funny thing. We think we know what’s important to us, and slot things into a relative priority order something like: food, shelter, clothing, family, friends, bombing gatecamps, badposting on /r/eve, sex, mining, etc.
It is not until priorities come into conflict that we discover what’s really important. The Ravinne children demand attention and Wingspan TT’s B274-hugging friends discover a golden wrench thrown into their works. Elections in the United States of America lead EU citizens to discover they have important and relevant opinions on US politics. The Space Pope is suddenly homeless, and returns to his roots running slaves and exotic dancers into interdicted systems. Mike Azariah discovers that chemo is…no…nevermind. The Magic School Bus keeps running, because being kind to others is always Mike’s priority.
Jin’taan needs no introduction, and will receive none. If you’re unfamiliar with his contributions of solid content and controversy, you’re a poser and need to move on. This article is not for you.
So, where is he now, and why wasn’t he the lead commentator on WWB2? Why is EVE no longer his top priority?
Jin claims to be working hard and living without hot water or weed. He prioritizes getting to work on time and bathing over scrounging for weed and reporting on WWB2. How the mighty have fallen! To what depths of despair has our icon plummeted? This man’s priorities are entirely upside down.
Jin’threads’s penchant for style seems unchanged, so he is not entirely unhinged.
His workout duds are similarly Jin’-style.
Wait…workout clothes? References to the gym? Muscles? He’s still Jin’pasty, and not Jin’tan, but something is amiss. Jin’taan drops EVE and suddenly he’s back to work in Quality Engineering, looking buff, and “feeling cute” with no sign of “might delete later?” No complaints of the postal service weed delivery?
Perhaps all is not well. Let’s take a closer look at the “workout” photo.
Denyer street.
Denyer is from the french “denier,” or money-minter.
Jin’taan is thus on money-maker street, as this incriminating image clearly reveals.
If Jin’taan is on money-maker street, then there’s only one reasonable explanation. Clearly, Jin’taan was paid off by PAPI to ensure The Imperium could not leverage Jin’s talent and reach to deliver the propaganda necessary for a moral victory. Jin’taan’s content drove innumerable innocents to The Imperium’s “news” site, and provided a veneer of credibility to their propaganda outlet.
So, where is he now? Jin’taan is on money-maker street, and UwU all the way to the bank.