Delve – After 3 sleepless weeks of false-alarm pings in preparation for “the big one”, line members from both TAPI+ and The Imperium formed up for their much-anticipated big fleet event in the region’s top tourist destination, 1DQ.
The line members found joy and camaraderie for the entire form-up period as hundreds of coalition members joined and jovially asked “what are we flying, where are we going, what squad should I be in, who’s the FC” without reading a single word in the fleet message of the day. Laughter and smiles could be heard on both sides, as friends gave answers to their bewildered and illiterate corporation members.
However, as soon as the opposing fleets warped to their first gates, mysterious communications issues emerged, plaguing the lead Fleet Commanders with constant unaligned ships, bad warps, and missed target opportunities all along the adventure.
12-year veteran, PlaugeDeth68, received an alert that his ratting super carrier was in hull after the 3rd jump and frantically tabbed between accounts trying to figure out which bot was dying, causing him to miss a warp and lose his doctrine Munnin to a Raptor. Meanwhile 16-year player, LauraDangr, couldn’t figure out how to stop her stream viewers from hearing every command her FC was giving, yet simultaneously failed to follow any of the commands herself.
The only Sabre to accompany PAPI+ bubbled it’s own fleet 2 jumps from their destination, and sub-commander Villy had to pause and force someone else to take over after hearing his last remaining FC, ProGodLegend, scream for 32 seconds straight then disconnect with a loud BANG.
Both fleets turned around 1 jump out of 1DQ when they each remembered that the timers they thought they were fighting over were for tomorrow.
I lol’d more than once reading this.
No one said informative news couldn’t be funny! 😛