When you think sexy EVE CSM candidates you probably think of Gym’taan, Manic Velocity, or Max Singularity. Same, fam. A few in the know might even give a nod to Sort Dragon, the only known or strongly suspected female CSM member. I tried… I really tried to bring you an expose on Max Singularity. The naked pate, the daring moustache, the sparkling wit, smile, and eyes… the leftist politics and a horde of sultry escorts. It would have been glorious.
But no.
The editor has spoken.
She wants Creepy Speedo Guy.

There’s no accounting for taste, I suppose.
Stay a while, and listen. Perhaps she’s not entirely wrong.
It was a year ago (2020 Feb 12) and CSM 15 candidate announcements were in full swing. Suddenly, out of the blue, the first CSM 16 announcement appeared on /r/eve. Micromancer fired the opening salvo in the CSM 16 race, presenting himself as the ideal slot 10 meme candidate. “There can be only one meme candidate,” Micromancer asserted. “Godspeed Xenuria, your services are no longer required.”
Of all the meme candidates ever to announce candidacy for the CSM, Micromancer is clearly better armed and more hairy than any of them. Jin’taan has his golden suit and the Space Pope his blasphemous vestments, but who else would dare pose in nothing but body hair and a speedo? Who else so perfectly captures the persona of the average EVE player?
Living up to his meme candidate role, Micromancer delayed formally announcing his candidacy for CSM 16 until 4/20. His primary qualification? “I am an expert in fun.”
Micromancer may be the first candidate in CSM history to make fun a key plank in their platform. For that reason alone, although it hurts me to say this – Ms. Lillik is right. Micromancer is dead sexy.