
“IRL” First Mentality Killing EVE Online

In a recent investigative report EVE Onion found that more and more corporations are catering to the casual players of gaming. If you take...

EVE Online Introducing Social Scoring for Players

In a surprise announcement, CCP Games introduced a new system allowing players and devs to rate each other both in and out of the...

CCP Adds “Dev Friend for a Day” Pack

Announcing the "Dev Friend for a Day" Pack! Tired of flying solo or have you ever imagined spending up to 8 hours with your...

CCP Releases Developer Experience Pack

CCP Games to release "The CCP Developer Experience Pack"! This pack is purchasable once per year per account. The pack provides a three day...

5 Signs You Are Burned Out In Eve Online

It is inevitable that anything we love doing whether that be a hobby, dream job, relationship, or even your favorite space MMO can become...

The Crossover Event You All Asked for!

Iceland - Fresh off the heels of the wildly popular and successful Dr. Who event. CCP Games announces the next crossover event! The Icelandic...

Five Tips: Surviving Your Local EVE Meet

So, you have discovered through the website http://www.evemeet.net that there is an EVE Online meetup in your area. You decide that it is time...

CONCORD: Gallente Ranked New Eden’s Most Religious

Yulai--An exhaustive two year study of universities and centers of knowledge in the Empires of New Eden released today reveals Amarrians are no longer...

Brisc Rubal Pens 95 Theses to High Sec War Deccers

JITA - Fed up with the abusive nature of the Highsec war deccers on small corporations in Highsec and Lowsec, Brisc Rubal has taken...

Five Tips to Survive: Null Security Space

So you’re finally taking the leap to Null Security Space (Nullsec) after listening to some podcast about how rich you can become living in...

Save Our Galaxy, It’s The Only One We’ve Got!

One look at the recent MER released from CCP Games, and you can clearly see that asteroids in some regions of the galaxy are...

Russian Collusion in the CSM!

Collusion, voter fraud, and smoky backroom deals are all the norm of real world politics. The accusations of such underhanded tactics are common place...

NCdot Line Member Kicked for Lack of “Space Bushido”

NCdot corporation, Burning Napalm has kicked the exceptional scout and warp-in Interceptor pilot Sarah Sharp from their ranks, after she refused to type...

Join Destructive Influence Today!

LadyScarlet, CEO of Destructive Influence , has created a new recruitment campaign for her corporation within NC. alliance, and has unveiled the “Friend of...

When Bots Attack!

Yesterday, we learned of an EVE Online ratting bot turning on its user. The user, who wishes to remain anonymous, says the bot was...

CCP Welcomed to EVE Meta Game

The lights at CCP Games in Reykjavik, Iceland were knocked out for hours after their power was disrupted by a masked man using what...