Dodixie IX – Moon 20 – Federation Navy Assembly Plant, Sinq Laison
Rumor has been spreading here in the Sinq Laison region that a man has finally been able to afford Tier Two equipment for his Drake-class Battlecruiser. I’ve managed to not only locate this individual, but score an exclusive interview with the pilot who wishes to remain anonymous, in order to protect him from, “the gankers”.

Deep within the seemingly endless number of hangars here in the assembly plant, the last thing one would expect to see is a single item representing years of blood, sweat and dedication. This item, a Heavy Missile Launcher II, in all of its shining glory, sits upon the comparatively dingy hull of the clearly well used Drake. “Yes sir, this ship has seen me through hundreds if not thousands of security Level Three missions for the Federation,” remarks its owner.
“The way I see it, with the MASSIVE damage increase this launcher will provide, my income and potential will exponentially increase. Sort of like Moore’s Law.” Unfortunately, the man fails to realize that unlike Moore’s Law, a Drake has a fixed number of hardpoints, and ultimately has an upper limit to reach; but that doesn’t dissuade him. “In fact, I might even start breaking even with my ammo expenditures on the more difficult missions. I won’t be in the hole after completing them, adding even more to my revenue intake.”
According to the pilot, this new launcher is the culmination of five years worth of hard work, dedication, and skillful flying. “I’ve seen many changes to New Eden in that time. Back in the day, the money I spent on this launcher could’ve bought two titans, and you’d have enough left over for a carrier. Inflation is rampant these days. I’m pretty sure it’s because of all those bots people keep talking about. But that’s none of my business.”
As for his plans now? The Level Three missions will have to wait. “This ship is basically the MOST pimped-out ship in this entire region. Insurance won’t fully reimburse me for a loss this large. I’m going to lay low for awhile, maybe try to assume a new identity, play a few alts. Let the gankers and opportunists lose interest and move on to the next big thing. Will probably go and do some mining. I’m just about ready to upgrade those civilian mining lasers, if you catch my drift.”
Every day spent in New Eden is the opportunity for a lesson, and the chance to be inspired. Persistence, and perhaps a touch of obliviousness, is a key part of making it in this universe we call home. Persistence or, in some cases, an automatically running script. Regardless of how you make your living here, just make sure you’re having fun while doing it.
Addendum: I have been informed by senior staff that “High security, null security, and everywhere in known space is incapable of being fun. Wormholes or bust.”