
Triglavians Ramp Up Their War Efforts as They Access the Net in New Eden

The Triglavians have redoubled their efforts of invading New Eden systems amidst reports of further breaches into various planet and system-wide communications networks. A...

Capsuleer Personally Attacked by CCP Games Using Your Year In Eve Video, Calls for Boycott

Mister Monsieur, Eve Online Capsuleer and self styled "Jita Market Maestro" has called for a boycott against the developers of Eve Online, CCP...

CCP Identifies and Resolves Root Cause of All Bugs in December Update

“It was difficult to admit the truth,” the engineering manager acknowledged, “but there it was, staring us in the face.” It is no secret that...

Breaking: CCP to End Supercapital Proliferation by Killing Downtime

In a bold move, CCP Hilmar has pushed devs to find a solution for daily downtime…not because “it’s 2019 and this is embarrassing”, but...

Player Overview Packs Will be the New Default in April Release

There are currently several well maintained and customizable player overview packs that someone can choose from with no single one being the best for...

CCP Announces: Alliance Logo Skins!

Alliance logos are coming to all capital and sub-capital ship hulls except for Triglavian ships. The new skins will be added to all players’...

Leaks: Anonymous CCP Dev Admits POSes Not Removed Because POS Code Only Thing Preventing Ships from Always Being Cloaked

After a second beer at a quiet(er) bar in Vegas, a CCP Dev, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, agreed to share some...

Mission Accomplished!

“I’m scared,” he whispers, “whiskey tango foxtrot… I’m scared…”A single tears slide silently down his cheek, tracing a path along his gentle smile lines....

CCP Staff Busted for Ongoing Scam

It started like so many other scams: a new player gets an unexpected message from someone offering “help.” “I decided to try Eve recently and...

Scandal Rocks “Fanfest at Home” as CCP Burger Reveals the Secret Ingredient to His Favorite Burger: Anchovies

Kemiönsaari, Finland - “Fanfest at Home” is in full swing with CCP Games livestreaming many interactions in the intimacy of a household...

CCP Commits to a Date for Logi on Killmails

Inside sources disclosed today that CCP has internally committed to a date for including logistics on killmails. Previous leadership misunderstood the request for logi...

Hilmar Leaks Plans for “Dancing in Stations”

The door to the EVE Online Captain’s Quarters closed two years ago this August. Sobs gradually transitioned to merely the occasional sigh, and the...

Falcon, Backed by Community, Leaves CCP to Found Gaming Company

Earlier today, Falcon, formerly known as CCP Falcon formally announced his resignation to CCP Games. After an overwhelmingly positive reaction to his gameplay suggestions...

CCP Caves to Demands for Longer Downtime

It seemed like a good idea at the time. As is so often the case, only time can tell how the EVE Online community...

Manic Velocity Disappears, New Eden Approaches Balance

Outrage flared with the discovery that Upwell Consortium Infomorph Psychologists not only researched, but fully implemented a mechanism to farm skillpoints from clones resting...

ExookiZ Debuts With A Bang

Chants of “No more local!” were heard during EVE North, and ExookiZ delivered. Local chat, or “local”, is the chat box that allows people in...