Blood Raider Priest Under Fire for Diluting Sacrificial Blood with Quafe

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In a shocking twist that has left the galaxy’s most nefarious cultists and capsuleers alike in utter disbelief, a high-ranking Blood Raider priest is currently under fire for allegedly diluting the sacrificial blood with none other than Quafe.

Whispers of this unholy mix began circulating during the opening weeks of the Blood Raider’s Crimson Harvest. Several Blood Raider rituals reportedly ended with an unusual aftertaste, described by some as “oddly refreshing” and “fizzy.” The priest in question stands accused of forsaking the purity of sacrificial offerings.

Cult members, who traditionally revel in the raw intensity of their gruesome rituals, were outraged. “This is an abomination!” cried one fervent follower. “The purity of our sacred rites has been tainted by sugary bubbles!”

However, some pragmatic members pointed out that the mix might not be all bad. “Let’s face it,” said one Raider, “a little carbonation might go a long way in attracting converts to our order.”

Meanwhile, Quafe Corporation has denied any involvement in the scandal, stating firmly, “While we are thrilled to be a part of every capsuleer’s daily life, we do not endorse or condone the use of our products in the Blood Raider’s ceremonies. The order has not signed the appropriate licensing agreements at this time.”

In the wake of these revelations, the Blood Raiders have announced an internal investigation and promised to uphold the purity of their future offerings. As for the priest, he remains steadfast, claiming that his innovative mix was only meant to bring a new ‘flavor’ to their ancient traditions.

Whether this fizzy fiasco will lead to an overhaul of the cult’s ritualistic practices remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: Federation Police forces can end their investigations into recently stolen Quafe shipments.


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