J115405 “Rage” – The crunching of boots on sand add to the motorized hum of vehicles ponderously traversing the dunes leading away from The Initiative’s beachhead in J115405. Wave after wave of the The Initative’s J-Space Expeditionary Force passes by the press pool, the faces of the invaders resolute as they begin their climb to assault “Fort Knocks.” A surreal calm in the air contrasts against an unspoken tension as they make their way towards the frozen interior within which “Fort Knocks” resides. Unbeknownst to many of these men and women however, is that the entire invasion was dreamt up by CSM Representative Brisc Rubal.
The CSM is widely-regarded to possess a “Nullsec” bias. Many CSM representatives give into exasperation when they are painted with such a wide brush, but Brisc Rubal saw an opportunity. “Many players think that CCP will listen to the CSM, but this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, you need to make a giant splash that will force CCP to give you their attention. So, I brought the idea to Pandoralica. The epic fights, videos, propaganda, and news articles will shine a spotlight on wormhole space so bright, that CCP will have no choice but to dedicate an entire year to iterations.”
After weighing the strategic and logistical challenges of such an undertaking, The Initiative’s leadership was in agreement that it was necessary if nothing more than for public relations and for Brisc to win even more brownie points as a CSM Representative among the player population, the other CSM members, and especially with CCP. The culmination of weeks of debate and deliberation resulted in a daring plan to invade Hard Knocks Citizens’ J115405 C5-class wormhole, otherwise known as “Rage.”
Representative Rubal was ecstatic when news arrived from the front. “One of the biggest complaints from the wormhole community is how little attention is given to J-Space as a whole. This military campaign spearheaded by The Initiative will not only generate mountains of Reddit propaganda, but will also give CCP a reason to look at a neglected area of space. Basically, by attacking Hard Knocks, we are doing all wormholers a favor.”
Once early defensive structures were neutralized and secured by The Intitiative, journalists of the free press were allowed to tour the sites of some of the wreckage. The sheer firepower of the invasion force is at the very least impressive. From our vantage point, we were able to observe Initiative Mercenaries’ sappers laying lines of contravallation to prevent wormholers friendly to Hard Knocks riding to the assistance of the beleaguered defenders. As we made our way down from the hill, the sky darkened as hundreds of Stealth Bombers passed overhead.
With The Initiative’s beachhead established, there are rumors that other CSM members are pushing their own alliances to commit to military maneuvers in order to draw CCP’s attention to neglected areas of space and game development. Whether they meet the same success as Brisc Rubal will be up to their alliances and the audacity of their plans.
Are you fighting in the trenches in J115405? We would love to hear your story! Tweet us @Eve OnionNews
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