New Eden’s Most Wanted

Luminare, Gallente Prime.

The Gallente Federation Supreme Court published its ruling in the case of the Federal Defense Union versus Niden. After reaching a 5-4 majority, the nine judge panel found the defendant guilty, and sentenced the former member of the Gallente militia to death. A warrant for the capsuleer’s arrest had been filed with the CONCORD assembly, as Niden did not show up for the proceedings and was tried in absentia.

The story of the famous deserter begins in YC 115, when the then young capsuleer joined the Federal Defense Union following the break of hostilities between the Gallente Federation and the Caldari State. The pilot soon took root in the staunch loyalist alliance Villore Accords [GMVA], one of the pillars of the Gallente militia. Together, Niden fought against the Caldari State and local pirate groups such as Snuffed Out [B B C] which worked to hinder the militia’s efforts.

For nearly 3 years Niden stood in the forefront of the Gallente crusade to spread freedom and Long-Limbed Roe eggs throughout Black Rise and its surroundings. However, as the campaign dragged on and the fortunes of the militia ebbed, fellow pilots started noticing strange behavior exhibited by Niden. She started becoming more withdrawn, often isolating herself from her fellow pilots and staying locked in her quarters for long periods of time. As Niden grew more silent, her friends became more worried.

After a long absence from the front lines and ignoring all incoming calls, a group of concerned friends decided to visit the secluded pilot. Managing to override the security codes of Niden’s quarters, the group entered the room only to discover her sitting naked on the floor staring at the wall in front of her. One of the friends, on conditions of anonymity described the scene which unfolded: “She was stark naked, and looked really thin. She was staring at the wall with such concentration she hardly even noticed us entering. The room itself was a mess… fast-food containers strewn all over the floor, art supplies, broken glass containers. Pages and half used drawing pencils were all over the place, covering couches, beds, tables or just adding to the general mess. But the thing that scared us the most of all were the walls. They were covered in drawings, all of the same thing”.

The object which seemed to occupy Niden’s mind and drive her to insanity was the Machariel Battleship. The Machariel was developed by the Angel Cartel, some claim using Jovian designs. During YC 117, the Battleship had become a hit with capsuleer groups, especially in the war zone. Employed mainly by pirate groups such as Snuffed Out, these deadly ships soon earned a reputation with militia pilots, who often saw their appearance in system as an ill omen. To see their friend obsessed with such a ship made the Gallente militia pilots uneasy to say the least.

Attempts were made to help Niden. Psychologists and Psychiatrists were brought in, drugs were prescribed but to no avail. Niden seemed to have no interest with anything save the Machariel. Even an attempt by Wolfsdragoon, then a renowned militia fleet commander, to interest the pilot in the Absolution command ship instead utterly failed.

It was at this point that another party intervened. A Snuffed Out member heard of the pilot’s obsession and decided to use it to his advantage. Managing to infiltrate the Gallente militia, the operative contacted Niden using a simple and effective code word: Machariel. From there on it took little effort from Snuffed Out to get Niden to seek out and sign up with the alliance, all for the chance to own and fly a Machariel which Snuffed Out used in copious amounts.

To the surprise of nearly all members of the Gallente militia, one of their fleet was hit by a force of Snuffed Out Machariels at the start of YC 118. Among the pilots identified in the raid was none other than Niden! The betrayal gave birth to outrage as members of the Gallente militia and the heads of the Federal Defense Union bayed for blood. Charges of treason, desertion and dereliction of duty were brought up against the pilot. However due to the complex relationship between capsuleer pilots in the militia and the Gallente Navy, the trial was brought before the Supreme Court in an expanded seating.

Today, the court made its ruling, and as stated voted for the death penalty. However since Niden is currently living in low security space, outside the effective reach of the Gallente Federation and CONCORD, there is little chance for the verdict to be applied. Recognizing this, the Gallente Navy had also placed a 5 billion ISK bounty on the head of the pilot to any who’ll bring her to justice.

That said, some wonder what will happen to Niden if and when Snuffed Out phases out its Machariel doctrine following new developments in the field of weapons and ship building.

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