CONCORD: Gallente Ranked New Eden’s Most Religious

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Yulai–An exhaustive two year study of universities and centers of knowledge in the Empires of New Eden released today reveals Amarrians are no longer the most religious people in the galaxy. The results shocked the scientist conducting the year long survey. Fearing the study results were a fluke, they requested funding to continue the survey for a second year. The once deeply religious people of the Amarr Empire are now ranked 2nd behind Gallente as a people with the most belief in something greater than themselves in the known universe.

The study cites many reason for the decline of the Amarrian beliefs, the most profound being the death of the Empress and the rise of Max Singularity as a major religious leader in the empire. Amarrians are torn on who or what to believe in. The study says a sharp decline of deep seeded faith in the current school age population will most likely hint to a continued downward trend.

Why are the Gallente flocking toward religion? “The Prosperity Tomes”. Many poor Gallente youth want the riches of the elite 1% of the Gallente and the Amarr, but without screwing their fellow citizens or the dark stain of slavery. So, what better than to believe in a God who will give you what your heart desires as long as you believe in him and do good for other people. You want that Titan? Just give that hologram preacher all your liquid ISK and boom: you get that Titan you’ve always wanted. The harder you believe, the quicker your wealth will come.

A side effect of the sudden explosion of religious conscious has laid waste to many Gallente society norms. Legal brothels, sex shops, and fedo cuddling bars have been closed in the name of religious morality, leading many business owners down a path of uncertain financial times.

CONCORD concluded their report by saying, “Amarrians should be ashamed at how their current belief pales in comparison to these money hungry Gallente do-gooders.”

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