Clone States Revival!

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Greetings Capsuleers!

Following the wildly successful Abandoned Fortress update, we are bringing back an older—but much loved—mechanic back into play. We know many are eager to bring a purposeful loss mechanic during combat as well as the ship and implant losses.

PATCH NOTES FOR 2020-06-05


  • Fixed an issue where a 3rd party audio hardware conflict would incoherently cause a screaming noise when used with VOIP software during large fleets, e.g. Mumble, Discord, etc.


Clone states are back! As your skill points grow, you will have to purposefully buy medical clones of certain SP grades in order to avoid skill point loss upon death. A failure to use the appropriate clone will result in a loss of the SP difference between your character and the SP grade of the medical clone. SP losses will be randomly pulled from skills until the lost amount is achieved similar to T3 Cruiser losses but applicable to all skills.

Characters who are in an Alpha clone state are limited to the default Alpha medical clone regardless of their current SP accumulated and will lose a random alpha state skill in full upon each death if the character has more than 10m SP.

  • Alpha Medical Clone (default, no fee) (covers deaths of pilots with 10m SP or less
  • Omega Tier 1 Clone (25 million ISK)(covers SP retention of up to 15 million SP)
  • Omega Tier 2 Clone (100 million ISK)(covers SP reandtention of up to 25 million SP)
  • Omega Tier 3 Clone (250 million ISK)(covers SP retention of up to 50m SP)
  • Omega Tier 4 Clone (1 Billion ISK)(covers SP retention of up to 100m SP)
  • Omega Tier 5 Clone (3 Billion ISK)(covers SP retention of up to 120m SP)
  • Omega Tier 6 Clone (5 Billion ISK)(cover SP retention of up to 140m SP)

Players with characters that exceed 140m SP who have an Omega Tier 6 Medical Clone will always lose a fixed 5m SP upon death.

User Interface:

  • Removed thumbs up/thumbs down from the Escape menu; it was purely a placebo item and didn’t serve any other purpose or collect data of any kind.

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