In the vast expanse of New Eden, where spaceships roam and fortunes are made, one profession stands out for its sheer simplicity and profitability: mining. For years, miners have...
Everyone’s favorite e-war, ECM, gets a healthy whack with the nerf bat, bringing shouts of joy from all corners. While entirely unintuitive that ECM...
Reykjavik -
Sitting proudly at his desk that overlooked Reykjavik’s iconic harbor, CCP Delegate Zero regarded the crisp Icelandic afternoon as he pondered how...
Streamfleet recently presented a well-hyped Boys vs Girls PvP battle endorsed by CCP Games, and spearheaded by EVE Online luminaries Manic Velocity and Rahne....
Collusion, voter fraud, and smoky backroom deals are all the norm of real world politics. The accusations of such underhanded tactics are common place...
ExookiZ, CEO of The Dark Space Initiative/Scary Wormhole People, and familiar to many from his presentation on wormholes and j-space history at Fanfest 2016...